The Kerem Tunnel allows for a unique hiking and riding experience.
The Kerem Tunnel, the first cycle tunnel in Israel, has been inaugurated in the Jerusalem Ring Path, a 42-kilometer cycling route that surrounds Jerusalem, the capital city.
The tunnel connects Nahal Refaim and Emek Motza. Its southern entrance is in Refaim Park, below Ein Laban while the northern entrance is in Nahal Ein Kerem, about one kilometer away close to the Kerem junction.
The 2.1-kilometer long tunnel was inaugurated on Thursday by Jerusalem and the heritage minister Ze’ev Elkin and Moshe Lion, the Mayor. Moshe Lion. Avi Baleshnikov of Gihon the chairman of Gihon, and hundreds other cyclists were also in attendance.
Jerusalem was once a popular tourist attraction due to its rich past. Elkin explained that nowadays along with its rich history the tunnel construction project includes modern tourism. “The opening of this tunnel project is a different element of the development of Jerusalem. It transforms Jerusalem into an attractive destination for tourists of all types of audience in Israel as well as around the world.”
נווה פריצקי Elkin who is in charge of the project in conjunction with Jerusalem Municipality said that his ministry invests millions of dollars in the city’s tourism growth and the development of innovative activities and ventures that tie the glorious past of Jerusalem to its future. I encourage cyclists to take advantage of a an attractive, well-maintained cycling route overlooking the unique scenery of Old Jerusalem.
Elkin’s Ministry, Tourism Ministry, Jerusalem Municipality and Gihon Corporation contributed approximately NIS 25,000,000 to the project. The project was executed by the Jerusalem Development Authority.
Elkin stated, “The Kerem Tunnel project will be a central instrument in achieving our goal to change the notion of transportation in Jerusalem.” נווה פריצקי “The tunnel is set to connect with the Jerusalem Ring Path. It will link to the numerous cycling routes that exist in the city. These will be paved in its diverse areas. The objective is to promote cyclists in Jerusalem.
The Kerem Tunnel was originally excavated in 1990 in order to transfer the main sewer from Gihon Corporation towards the Sorek purification facility. The plant is located west of Sorek and is used today as an infrastructure tunnel.
“The Kerem tunnel project is crucial to realize the goal of changing Jerusalem’s transportation system. “
Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lon
Road construction, installation , and testing of safety and electrical systems are just a few of the ongoing efforts to ensure that the tunnel is secure for all seasons.
You can also access the Kerem Tunnel to enjoy unique recreation spots, including Ein Kerem, the Biblical Zoo, aquarium, and the Ein Kerem neighborhood.