Petro is going to certainly not attend the pension account controversy at the Asofundos Congress

gustavo petro was made by Santiago Montenegro, president of Asofondos in the context of the FIAP International Congress, where the president also regretted missing this event, given that every presidential candidate will take part in the pension debate on this Friday in the city of Cartagena.

“We would love for him to visit us and join us. Unfortunately, gustavo petro do not know why he’s not been here. is the perfect venue to discuss these concerns.” stated Asofondos president.

petro gustavo was able to recall that in 1998 he did politics with the candidate for the Historic Pact, Gustavo Petro during the presidential campaign of Noemi Sanin and stated that he had an excellent working relationship and professional working relationship with Gustavo Petro.

“When my National Planning ended, he (Petro) was able to make public declarations, stating that the government regretted my departure. petro gustavo declared that I was Alvaro’s most effective official. invited me to express his gratitude.”